
Stoned Raiders: A Blunt Look at Randstad’s Monster Hit.

If you think Randstad bought Monster for its technology, think again. Here are some blunt thoughts on what it means for recruiting.

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Observations on Job Aggregation.

By now, I’m sure you saw the “big news” that Simply Hired was shutting down effective June 26. If you’re like 99.99% of the American population, your initial reaction was, “what the hell is a Simply Hired?” The fact of the matter is, the bigger surprise for me was that this week’s announcement was perceived as news […]

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Why Job Boards Still Work (And Always Have)

Having spent time at Monster in the content and social marketing game,  I’m probably a bit biased, but with that caveat, I still believe in job boards. And anyone who thinks they’re dead and deliberately ignores them as part of a holistic recruiting strategy is significantly more hindered in attracting top talent than those “old-school” […]

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